For the past nine years, we have been providing entertainment and enrichment programs for senior living communities across Metro Denver and beyond.
The AFFIX Group was started with a common understanding that there was a better way to serve our older population and the communities they live in, and that we could use our professional backgrounds in business, education and the arts to make that happen. We were right! In the short time we have been in business we’ve literally transformed an industry, and thousands of seniors and dozens of their communities have benefitted.
We understand and believe in the concept that “activities fill rooms.” More importantly, though, we want to help communities create meaningful, engaging, quality events for their residents. We urge Activity, Life Enrichment, and Marketing Directors to come to us with all their creative ideas and we will find a way to deliver on that creative wish—a quality event each and every time. We understand and appreciate the essential value of community staff members. Saving time for these professionals allows them to devote more time for interaction with their residents.
They say you’ll find success if you follow your passion. We agree. Everyone in our company continues to work personally and directly with seniors on a regular basis—and we love it! The AFFIX Group is a manifestation of living and working the love of our art.
The AFFIX Group was started in 2015 by a small group of artists, performers, musicians, and educators, all of whom were actively engaged in working with seniors.
Interested in joining our email list where we’ll share the latest cities we’re in, performers we’ve added to our roster and more? Please send us a message here. Otherwise, you can book talent for your next event here.
If you have something you’d like to share with the Affix community, be it profound, humorous, or just something you’d like to get off your mind, please send it to us at and, depending on your wishes, we’ll either respond or publish your comments on this page.